This post didn't go as planned. We try to mix things up. Putting out good stuff is one thing, but people need variety too. So we last publish Samantha Miller's customer spotlight, then naturally we think: time to let the spotlight cool down....
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Over time, we've learned to pay more attention to our customers. We've always taken our notebooks and service seriously—but like any group of people, it takes time before we can see the forest for the trees. If we've learned one thing,...
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Most people think the world is moving away from handwriting, but it isn't. My New Years resolution, gift from Joanna: using my Monolith from #codeandquillcreative for the longer pieces. Loving it! A post shared by Lucy E Hornstein MD...
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At our last meeting, somebody asked: when is Code&Quill’s birthday, exactly? Harder to answer than it sounds. Brands enter the world over a period of time, unlike people. If you have to declare a single day for a brand’s birthday, which...
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It’s the season for resolutions—but soon the partying will pass and we'll have that sober conversation with ourselves: Now that another year is starting, how should I change? What will make me better? What should my 'New Year's Resolution' be? (And how...
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