Code&Quill Update — May 2017

Hey everyone! It’s the Code&Quill team here with a company update (or several) for you.

2017 has been a busy year already. It all happens slowly from our perspective—one day at a time, you know. But as we look back at this year so far, we’ve made a lot of steps and changes. We’re finding more ways to engage with y’all, to learn what you like and want, and to create new things you’ll love. 

So here’s what up with us:



We’ve seen lots of recent additions to our Code&Quill customer family—so if you’ve not read a message from us before, hello and welcome! 

We should warn you: our past customers have set a high bar for being awesome, and we’ll say why. First: over a thousand of those people brought us to life on Kickstarter more than two years ago. We literally wouldn’t be here without those customers’ investment—and we wouldn’t have seen continued success without their continuing support, both on our store and as repeat backers for our Monolith Kickstarter

Second: our customers have to be some of the smartest AND most creative people on the planet, judging by the photos y’all have sent and the insightful feedback you’ve provided. We’d like making anyone happy with one of our notebooks—but we’re especially thrilled to make stuff that helps others make amazing things. 

We’ve already sold as many notebooks in 2017 as we did in all of 2016. As you can imagine, this is a good (business) problem to have. But it also should help explain why we’ve been out of stock more often—especially given that we refuse to cut corners on quality during manufacturing. 

Still, we’re working to keep stock "ahead of you" in the future—even as we grow—so our notebooks should be out of stock less frequently during the second half of the year. (Except for the holidays—can’t promise any stock will last during that season, no matter how much we prepare for it.) 


Giveaways & Contests

In case you haven’t heard, we’ve been starting more contests and giveaways with free prizes! They’ve been successful so far—so for now, we plan to have roughly one contest and one giveaway per quarter (every three months). 

Our latest giveaway was the Photoshoot Giveaway. From over 2,000 participants (some with multiple entries each), our lucky winner was Mr. Chase Darnall from Tennessee. We’ve sent him his prizes: a brand-new Canon Rebel T6 package plus five of our notebooks. Hopefully he’ll be able to use that fancy new camera and send us some photos soon—we will definitely share with y'all if he does! 

Our latest contest was #notebooksgonewild on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). Our winner was @optimisticallyreal, or Samantha Miller from Florida—she won $100 of our notebooks for taking and tagging a picture for the contest. Her whole Instagram feed is full of Code&Quill inspiration. 

Just remember, for your future reference: no purchase is required to participate in our giveaways and contests. So if you hear another is happening, come throw your name in the hat to win stuff!


Bundles... New Bundles

If you don't want to leave it to chance—but you still want a tailor-made combination of notebooks and a smooth escape with some savings—we've got something for you.

We offer notebook bundles for 10% off the total price. They're sold as assembled—but if you look and none suit you, remember that we switch up bundles about 4 times per year (roughly once every three months). 

We expect our three newest bundles to go fast, since they're stuffed with some of our most popular products (which are FINALLY back in stock... see next section).

The new bundles include... 

The Detective (2 notebooks, $4 savings),
The Agent (3 notebooks, $6 savings), and...
The Double Agent (4 notebooks, $9 savings)

Check 'em out!


Back in Stock, Out of Stock

As we mentioned, we’re working to get ahead of any inventory shortages. Whenever you want another Code&Quill in the future, we want you to be able to grab your notebook of choice without waiting. 

For the moment, though, here’s what’s recently BACK IN and what’s recently RUN OUT:

IN — Gray Monolith with dot-grid/indentation-rule
IN — White Monolith with dot-grid/indentation-rule
IN — Gray Origin
IN — White Origin

OUT — Gray Monolith with dual indentation-rule
OUT — White Traveler


Custom Notebooks

We’ve gotten a whole bunch of requests for custom-run (or white-label) Code&Quill notebooks. So if that’s a question on your mind, yes, we DO offer custom! You can change the notebook color, patch color, patch printing, and liner-page colors to make something truly unique for your company. 

We’ve decreased our minimum order quantity (MOQ) to 100 units per custom design. We'll work with clients to create a custom notebook, then make samples and send them to the client. From there, it’s just a few short weeks until you’ve got grade-A customized swag. 

If you have questions about custom, feel free to send us a message here (we will get the message!). If you prefer, you can contact Dan (our custom-order specialist) directly at



If you're in the market for a notebook, head on over to our store!
If you want more than one, check out our discounted notebook bundles!
If you just wanna say hi or look at pictures, come see us on Facebook or Instagram. 

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